
Monday, January 03, 2011

Kids off to school!

Well, the kids are off to school for another semester and I'm so happy! I love having the kids home, but they were starting to get under my feet while I was trying to get some orders done. 

I have 50 business card holders to get done. It's a custom order through Facebook! Yah!!  I will be taking pics as I go and will post them up here in a couple days.  They client wants blues and pinks which should be fun to do. I may have to make some extras for me  :)

I also have a new bag to create for  my camera. I want it to be similar to a bowler bag, but not quite so big. I've seen ones that look similar, but I don't like how they are made. They look like they don't have enough padding in them and I am worried that it won't protect, so I'm making my own.  If it works, I may make more and put them on my Etsy.  I will take pics and put them up here for you all to see.

I was able to get some organizing done in the craft room and so far I love how it's looking. I have more to do, of course, but so far, it is looking so much better than it was. I'm now trying to decide if I want to make my sewing/craft table smaller or not. What is your opinion? I have a 4ft by 4ft table right now and some days it feels too big, but others it's almost too small.  What do you think?



Hi! Thanks for the follow. I went over to your blog and read about your issues with little bird. Sorry he's having issues with milk. I've been there with one of the kids and it's not fun!