This year has been hard, in ways I never imagined. I had to start working at the youngest's school because he needed his blood sugars to be tested as some of his tests came back different. I think they did it to shut me up, but they are finding it wasn't as easy as they thought. Now we've been told they are closing his program down and he's having to move. Those of you with autistic children, know how hard this is for all of us, but especially for him. He doesn't like change and it's starting to show up! Majorly! He's having more meltdowns and it hasn't been pretty. Came to the point today where I'm really thinking it's time to pull him from this school and being done with it. I'm done with the stress it's causing both of us and because the school can't handle things like him being in a wheelchair for outings, he's being singled out and not able to go on trips. This is wrong and frankly, I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of having to fight and I'm tired of what it's doing to J.
Another change is that Meg, my type 1 diabetic, was diagnosed with nerve damage in her feet and some in her hands. This has made it so she can't work and she needs to apply for help. It wasn't easy to do, but we just received the new health card and we were very surprised to see that her insulin pump supplies were totally covered. NO cost to us at all!!! This usually costs us $300 a month!! So nice not to have to pay that up front and hope that it's accepted from the insurance company in a timely manner!
Because of all this going on, I haven't been able to get into the craft room as much and it's hard to get back into the swing of things. I've got all these ideas but am having a hard time getting up the energy etc to get down there and actually sew something up. I know I need to get things done, I have a TO-DO list like no tomorrow. I know I have to get started on the Christmas stuff soon or I may not get it done either. If anyone sees my get up and go, can you tell it to get up and come back?? LOL
Some good news that has come up is hubby's photography business is starting to get going. He's going to be doing a Little League thing here in August and hopefully will be getting some business from that as well. He's such a great photographer, he deserves some good stuff to happen. He's helped me out so much when my Fibromyalgia is acting up and he works so hard so I can stay home with the kids.
Hopefully you are having a fantastic year and if you are having one that is a little harder, remember that tomorrow is another day and will get better. It can't always be bad!
Love and hugs
new Retro and Classic palette shots
11 months ago
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